Tuesday, August 25, 2020

St John


                                                          St Johns 

Yesterday Cathrine from St Johns came to visit our school. When it was our turn we went in room three and hand sanitised our hands and then we sat down on the mat. Shen then came in and introduced herself. Then she told us about the hazards.

 Did you know every week 5 children die because of drinking poisons. 
The children get hospitalized. 

 Every week 70 children get hospitalized because of falls. 

 Every single week seven children end up in the hospital because of sharp objects.

 Did you know twelve children every weed get injured and End up in the hospital because of Non-traffic transport.
 One child in every two weeks gets injured from quad bikes. 

 Four children every week get burned so badly that they end up in the hospital. 

If someone is heart on the fema really badly DO NOT MOVE THEM otherwise their bone can cut a main archery.

 She also taught us what R.I.C.E means Rest Did you know that you fema is one Ice Of the main body parts. This is your fema bone. Compression Elevate

Friday, August 21, 2020

Our picnic

 Today me and my class were preparing a picnic. Our lovely teacher Mrs Bailey gave us the choice of either getting to cook  cheese toasties, unicorn ice,milkshakes and lollies and fruit and veggies. 

Me and my group were doing milkshakes and lollies is was epic.

This is our group preparing milkshakes and lollies.

    This group is making unicorn ice cream.

I really loved this experience and I am looking forward to doing it again

Tuesday, August 11, 2020


                    WHY DOES POPCORN POP ? 

Pop pop pop. Don’t you just love popcorn even the smell of it can catch your attention.From a hard popcorn kernel pop comes a fluffy piece of popcorn.But before we can hear that sound or even taste it we need to understand WHERE DOES POPCORN COME FROM or what creates it well it all starts in a big field of corn.

There are many different types of corn but only one corn is popping corn. Popcorn pops because when you are cooking it on a stove or in the microwave the water inside of the kernel gets turned into steam and that is what creates the pressure for the endosperm (starchy part of the kernel) gets released and gets turned into popcorn.

Some people love to eat popcorn with caramel and some with chocolate and for all of those butter lovers out there as well. Some people love to eat popcorn with extra butter and some prefer sweet and salty and some prefer plain.

The kernel needs to have at least 19% water in it for it to turn into popcorn. If there is too much water in it or to less the popcorn will not explode and won’t turn into popcorn. 

So next time you are making popcorn you will always remember what causes it to pop or how much water there should be for it to pop.You will also remember the process from it in a field and into your mouth. P.S What do you like to eat your popcorn with. By Inshirah